Monday, March 25, 2013

Blog Post #1

My name is Pete Tapp. I am a senior Integrated Information Technology major at the University of South Carolina. The purpose of this blog is to explore certain issues pertaining to Information Technology.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blog Post #6: "Lecture only if you must."

Lectures haves been a popular method of delivering classroom material. Some educators are against this method stating, "Only lecture if you must." While lecturing is a good way to deliver information to large groups, many believe it creates poor learning and is too instructor-centered. I believe lectures should be used to present information in a classroom setting, as long as there is a visual aid to accompany the lecture. They can become dull and dry without the use of a power point or some other visual aid. Visual aids allow the audience to gather information visually, as well as audibly. Lectures, when used to present an informational topic, give the chance for the audience to gather information and ask questions. Ultimately, everyone learnes best in different ways. Lectures are a good way for instructors to present a large amount of information to a large audience. (pg. 200-201)