Friday, May 3, 2013

Blog $11: IT - Always Changing

Whenever someone tries to force help on you, it always feels awkward. In an ITEC class during my sophomore year, a guy sitting next to me saw I was lagging behind a little in the hands-on demonstration we were having that day. I felt a little uncomfortable because I did not ask for the help. It made me feel like he thought I was not smart enough to figure it out on my own. I gladly accepted his help as he was giving it, but it was not the most comfortable of situations. Based in that experience I think it  would be wise for organizations to not force learning initiatives on its employees. It would be best for the employee to take part in the learning initiative on their own accord. This will serve to enhance the learning experience for the learner. If the employee is forced into the learning initiative, they may not be enthusiastic and willing to learn.

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